Advanced materials and information technology processing II : sel., peer rev. papers from the 2012 2nd Intern. conf. on advanced materials and information technology processing (AMITP 2012), Oct. 17-18, 2012, Taipei, Taiwan / Intern. conf. on advanced materials and inform. technology processing (2; 2012; Taipei), 2012 r=on-line. - Текст : электронный.
Xiong J. Fatigue and Fracture Reliability Engineering : монография / by J.J. Xiong, R.A. Shenoi., 2011 r=on-line (Введено оглавление). - Текст : электронный.
Xiong J. New Software Engineering Paradigm Based on Complexity Science : An Introduction to NSE / by Jay Xiong., 2011 r=on-line (Введено оглавление). - Текст : электронный.